Executing Puppet Tasks with PowerShell via the Puppet Orchestrator API

5 minute read

The Hard Way

Lets begin by writing the code out manually so we understand what’s going on with the URI’s and Invoke-WebRequest. In this example we’ll use the Puppet task powershell_tasks::disablesmbv1. If we look at the task’s metadata file we see what it does via the description and what parameters it allows. To execute this task we’ll make a call to the Puppet Orchestrator’s commands endpoint.

    "puppet_task_version": 1,
    "description": "A task to test if SMBv1 is enabled and optionally disable it.",
    "input_method": "powershell",
    "parameters": {
        "action": {
            "description": "Valid actions are get and set.",
            "type": "Enum[get, set]"
        "reboot": {
            "description": "Do we want to reboot the system if changes were made?",
            "type": "Optional[Boolean]"
        "forcereboot": {
            "description": "Do we want to reboot the system regardless if changes were made?",
            "type": "Optional[Boolean]"

Lets begin by calling this task with its action parameter and the value of get.

$master = 'puppet.piccola.us'
$token = '***'

$targetNodes = @('den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us','den3-node-3.ad.piccola.us')

$req = [PSCustomObject]@{
    environment = 'production'
    task        = 'powershell_tasks::disablesmbv1'
    params      = [PSCustomOBject]@{
        action = 'get'
    description = 'get smbv1 status'
    scope       = [PSCustomObject]@{
        nodes = $targetNodes
} | ConvertTo-Json

$hoststr = "https://$master`:8143/orchestrator/v1/command/task"
$headers = @{'X-Authentication' = $token}

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hoststr -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $req

The output. From here we can see we successfully executed the task and produced the job ID of 494.

StatusCode        : 202
StatusDescription : Accepted
Content           : {
                      "job" : {
                        "id" : "https://puppet.piccola.us:8143/orchestrator/v1/jobs/494",
                        "name" : "494"
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
                    Vary: Accept-Encoding, User-Agent
                    Content-Length: 108
                    Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                    Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2018 17:16:11 GMT
                    Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)

Forms             : {}
Headers           : {[Vary, Accept-Encoding, User-Agent], [Content-Length, 108], [Content-Type, application/json;charset=utf-8], [Date, Sun, 30 Sep 2018 17:16:11 GMT]...}
Images            : {}
InputFields       : {}
Links             : {}
ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
RawContentLength  : 108

That’s great, but lets get the output results from each of the nodes we just ran the task on. To do this we’ll make a call to the Puppet Orchestrator’s jobs endpoint. Lets use the 494 job ID from before.

$master = 'puppet.piccola.us'
$token = '***'

$hoststr = "https://$master`:8143/orchestrator/v1/jobs/494/nodes"
$headers = @{'X-Authentication' = $Token}

$result  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hoststr -Method Get -Headers $headers
$content = $result.content | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach ($item in $content.items) {
    $item | Select-Object name, result

The output. Nice, we can see that on our systems we not only have SMBv1 as an enabled protocol but the feature itself is also installed. Lets disable it!

name                      result
----                      ------
den3-node-3.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=True; Installed_SMB1Protocol=True}
den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=True; Installed_SMB1Protocol=True}

From here, lets modify our task parameters to disable SMBv1. We’ve changed our action param to set and also provided the reboot parameter with a value of $true. We want our systems to reboot so they take the SMBv1 changes.

$master = 'puppet.piccola.us'
$token = '***'

$targetNodes = @('den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us','den3-node-3.ad.piccola.us')

$req = [PSCustomObject]@{
    environment = 'production'
    task        = 'powershell_tasks::disablesmbv1'
    params      = [PSCustomOBject]@{
        action = 'set'
        reboot = $true
    description = 'set smbv1 status'
    scope       = [PSCustomObject]@{
        nodes = $targetNodes
} | ConvertTo-Json

$hoststr = "https://$master`:8143/orchestrator/v1/command/task"
$headers = @{'X-Authentication' = $token}

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hoststr -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $req

If we run our task again with get we can see that SMBv1 is disabled and uninstalled. Awesome.

name                      result
----                      ------
den3-node-3.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=False; Installed_SMB1Protocol=False}
den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=False; Installed_SMB1Protocol=False}

The Easy Way

While this has been fun, lets wrap all this PowerShell up into a few functions. Invoke-PuppetTask, Get-PuppetJobNodes, and Get-PuppetJob. Note we added Get-PuppetJob, this function is going to simply get job details from a supplied Job ID. Invoke-PuppetTask will use this function internally to monitor our job’s state. You’ll see this below with Invoke-PuppetTask’s -Wait and -Timeout parameters.

First, lets get the current SMBv1 configurations.

$master = 'puppet.piccola.us'
$token = '***'

$scope = @('den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us','den3-node-5.ad.piccola.us')
$splat = @{
    Token = $Token
    Master = $Master
    Task = 'powershell_tasks::disablesmbv1'
    Environment = 'production'
    Parameters = [PSCustomObject]@{
        action = 'get'
    Description = 'Get SMBv1'
    Scope = $scope
    ScopeType = 'nodes'
$taskRunGet = Invoke-PuppetTask @splat -Wait -Timeout 120
Get-PuppetJobNodes -Token $Token -Master $Master -ID $taskRunGet.job.name | select name, result


name                      result
----                      ------
den3-node-5.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=True; Installed_SMB1Protocol=True}
den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=True; Installed_SMB1Protocol=True}

Second, lets set the SMBv1 configurations.

$master = 'puppet.piccola.us'
$token = '***'

$scope = @('den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us','den3-node-5.ad.piccola.us')
$splat = @{
    Token = $Token
    Master = $Master
    Task = 'powershell_tasks::disablesmbv1'
    Environment = 'production'
    Parameters = [PSCustomObject]@{
        action = 'set'
        reboot = $true
    Description = 'Set SMBv1'
    Scope = $scope
    ScopeType = 'nodes'
Invoke-PuppetTask @splat -Wait -Timeout 120

Third, once the systems come back up from rebooting lets get the SMBv1 configurations again.

$master = 'puppet.piccola.us'
$token = '***'

$scope = @('den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us','den3-node-5.ad.piccola.us')
$splat = @{
    Token = $Token
    Master = $Master
    Task = 'powershell_tasks::disablesmbv1'
    Environment = 'production'
    Parameters = [PSCustomObject]@{
        action = 'get'
    Description = 'Get SMBv1'
    Scope = $scope
    ScopeType = 'nodes'
$taskRunGet = Invoke-PuppetTask @splat -Wait -Timeout 120
Get-PuppetJobNodes -Token $Token -Master $Master -ID $taskRunGet.job.name | select name, result


name                      result
----                      ------
den3-node-5.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=False; Installed_SMB1Protocol=False}
den3-node-1.ad.piccola.us @{Enable_SMB1Protocol=False; Installed_SMB1Protocol=False}

Sweet, we’ve successfully executed PowerShell on remote systems via a Puppet Task triggered via the Puppet API.

The Functions


Function Get-PuppetJobNodes {

    $hoststr = "https://$master`:8143/orchestrator/v1/jobs/$id/nodes"
    $headers = @{'X-Authentication' = $Token}

    $result  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hoststr -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $content = $result.content | ConvertFrom-Json

    Write-Output $content.items


Function Invoke-PuppetTask {
        [string]$Environment = 'production',
        [PSCustomObject]$Parameters = @{},
        [string]$Description = '',
        [int]$Timeout = 300

    $req = [PSCustomObject]@{
        environment = $Environment
        task        = $Task
        params      = $Parameters
        description = $Description
        scope       = [PSCustomObject]@{
        $ScopeType = $Scope
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    $hoststr = "https://$master`:8143/orchestrator/v1/command/task"
    $headers = @{'X-Authentication' = $Token}

    $result  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hoststr -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $req
    $content = $result.content | ConvertFrom-Json

    if ($wait) {
        # sleep 5s for the job to register
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

        $jobSplat = @{
            token = $Token
            master = $master
            id = $content.job.name

        # create a timespan
        $timespan = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $timeout
        # start a timer
        $stopwatch = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()

        # get the job state every 5 seconds until our timeout is met
        while ($stopwatch.elapsed -lt $timespan) {
            # optoins are new, ready, running, stopping, stopped, finished, or failed
            $job = Get-PuppetJob @jobSplat
            if (($job.State -eq 'stopped') -or ($job.State -eq 'finished') -or ($job.State -eq 'failed')) {
                $taskJobContent = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    task = $content
                    job = $job
                Write-Output $taskJobContent
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
        if ($stopwatch.elapsed -ge $timespan) {
            Write-Error "Timeout of $Timeout`s has exceeded."
    } else {
        Write-Output $content


Function Get-PuppetJob {

    $hoststr = "https://$master`:8143/orchestrator/v1/jobs/$id"
    $headers = @{'X-Authentication' = $Token}

    $result  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hoststr -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $content = $result.content | ConvertFrom-Json

    Write-Output $content